Mission & Bylaws








This association shall be known as the Maple Mountain Football Booster Club, hereafter referred to as "Booster Club" or “Club”.




The purposes of this organization are to:


Section A.    Provide an adult service organization dedicated to the promotion, encouragement, and support of the Maple Mountain High School football team, coaches, and community.


Section B.    Provide supplemental financial and program support in matters not covered by existing directives or budgets of the Nebo Independent School District.  




Section A.    This Club is organized exclusively for charitable purposes as defined in Section

501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The purpose of the Club includes raising funds and purchasing goods or services to be used exclusively by athletes and coaches of the Maple Mountain football team or providing volunteers for program activities. No part of the net earnings of the Booster Club shall insure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, officers, or other private persons, except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the organization affecting one or more of its purposes. 


 Section B.       This Club shall be self-governing, self-supporting, non-commercial, non-sectarian, nonprofit and nonpartisan, and shall seek neither to direct the administrative activities of the Nebo Independent School District nor to control its policies. The Club shall not attempt to influence legislation, participate in, or intervene in (including the publication of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.


Section C. Upon dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed exclusively to charitable or other non-profit organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may be amended




Section A.       Any individual who subscribes to the purposes of this association may   become a member of this club, subject only to compliance with the provisions of the by-laws.  Membership in the association shall be without regard to sex, race, color creed, or national origin.  


Section B.       The Booster Club shall conduct an annual enrollment of members but persons may be admitted to membership through the entire year.  


Section C.   Only members in good standing of the association shall be eligible to   participate in its business meetings, or to serve in any elected or positions.


Section D.       Each member of the club shall pay annual dues.


Section E.        Annual membership dues shall be set by a majority vote of the members  

present at regularly scheduled meetings.


Section F.    Each active member shall be entitled to one vote.  


Section G.       The membership year shall be the same as the fiscal year, January 1 through December 31.




Section A.       The elected Executive officers of this association (making up the Board of Directors) shall be a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.


Section B.    The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of the   association and of the Board of Directors, perform such other duties as may be prescribed in the By-Laws or assigned to him/her by the association, and to coordinate the work of the officers and committees. He/She will serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.     


Section C.    The duties of the First Vice-President shall be assigned to him/her by the association. HE/She will aid the President, perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability of that officer to serve and coordinate the work of all committees.


Section D.       The Second Vice-President shall be assigned to him/her by the association. He/SHe will also aid the First Vice-President, and the President in the absence of the First Vice-President and perform the duties of the First Vice-President in his/her absence.



Section E.   The Third Vice-President shall be assigned to him/her by the association. He/SHe will also aid the Second Vice-President, First Vice-President, and the President in their subsequent absences.     



Section F.    The Secretary shall record the minutes of the association's meetings, the minutes of the Board of Directors meetings, keep a current record of names, addresses and phone numbers of active members, record all approved expenditures in the meeting minutes, and shall also perform any duties delegated.  



Section G.    The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the club, shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and shall pay all expenditures authorized by the association. The Treasurer shall present a financial report at every meeting and shall present a full financial statement at the end of season meeting for approval by the audit committee.

Section H.       The six elected officers will constitute the Board of Directors.  At any time these officers meet as an executive action group, a minimum of four (4) officers must be in attendance.  Any motion must be approved by a majority vote by those in attendance. 





Section A.       The Board of Directors shall be the six elected officers.


Section B.    The Board of Directors shall be required to attend regular board meetings. Any member missing more than two (2) meetings may be replaced by the board.  A Booster member may be designated to speak on behalf of an absent board member.


Section E.     If deemed an emergency, the Board of Directors can request an email vote on an item that needs attention prior to the next meeting, if a special meeting time and date cannot be accomplished. Due to the advancement in technology; however, it should not be used unless deemed necessary.  The email vote results will be documented and retained for permanent record by the Secretary.





Section A.       Maple Mountain Football Booster Club will meet the second Monday of every month at a designated place as is appropriate for the nature of the meeting.


Section B.       The Board of Directors shall be called to a meeting by the President or any three (3) officers.  


Section C.       Special meetings of the members may be called by the President, the   Board of Directors, or not less than two thirds (2/3) of the members eligible to vote.


Section D.        Any votes must be made by paid members.  The Secretary will maintain a  current list of active members for the purpose of establishing voter eligibility.


Section E.        An active member is any member in good standing whose current membership dues are paid.




Section A.       A nominating committee shall consist of the President and two (2)   other members appointed by the Board of Directors.


Section B.       The nominating committee shall be appointed each year in November. The nominees will be presented at the December meeting; nominations will be taken from the floor at that time as well.  Elections will be held following the presentation of the nominees.  Officers elected at the meeting will take effect after the treasure books are closed that same month.


Section C.    No member shall be permitted to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms of the same elected office. An exception will be made for the President and Treasure who will serve one term of three (3) years due to establishing the newly organized organization allowing for staggering Board of Directors turnover.


Section D.    No proxy votes will be accepted


Section E.        A vacancy in any office may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term.  The Board of Directors may vote to replace any officer or director if the duties of the office are not being fulfilled. A director elected to replace an office shall be elected for the unexpired term of the predecessor.





Section A.    In the month of December , to coincide with the fiscal year, the treasurer shall make available all financial records to a three (3) member  auditing committee to be appointed by the President.  The Treasurer shall be available to assist, if necessary.   Findings will be reported to the executive committee pursuit of appropriate remedy of discrepancies. 


Section B.       Three (3) approved signatures, will be on record for signing of checks with

two (2) signatures necessary for each check.


Section C. For electronic banking, the password for an online account should be changed: at least once a year, when there is a change in signer or when there is a financial reconciliation. It has been determined that the Booster Treasure, President, and one additional Board Member will have access to electronic banking. 


Section D. To protect both the Booster and its volunteers, Booster funds will be counted and verified by the signature of two individuals before deposit. All signers should retain a copy or image of the completed deposit form. One of the counters may be the Booster treasurer. Deposits should be processed as soon as possible, following receipt. If same-day or night deposits are not possible, all monies should be kept secure.


Section E. A debit card will be issued in the name of the corporation and will be held by the sitting treasure. The debit card is only be to used to cover approved budget spending. No cash transactions (ATM, cash back, etc.) are allowed. The card is in the possession of the Treasurer and is used via a checkout log. The log should include an agreement that sales tax will not be reimbursed unless pre-approved by the executive board. The log is then reconciled to the statement prior to payment. Prior to use of the credit or debit card, a funds request form is completed and submitted. Following the purchase, the receipt is given to the Treasurer and attached to the funds request form. If sales tax is paid for the credit card purchase, the card user reimburses the Booster unless prior approval has been granted by the executive board. A change in signer on the checking account requires a change in signer on the credit card, and a financial reconciliation shall be performed. This applies when fraud or misuse of the card has been discovered. If the card is lost or stolen, the account must be reconciled to identify any unauthorized transactions.


Section F. For online and point of sales payment collection systems are approved. The payment collection system must be in the Booster Clubs name. The payment collection system’s statements must be clear with detailed and accessible information on a real-time basis. The Booster must have immediate access to know who has paid, the purpose of the payments, and the expected cash transfer amount. Associated fees are budgeted as an expense line item and are accounted for and reported in every financial report. 



Section G.       The Board of Directors or any three (3) executive officers must approve any general expenditure up to $200.  The Treasurer shall verify and record the approval of such expenditures and report such to the Secretary for recording into the official minutes.  Any amount over $200 not in the committee budget requires general membership approval.

Section H.     Upon dissolution of the Organization, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the Organization, dispose of all assets of the Organization to first, the Maple Mountain High School Football account, or second, to charitable or other non-profit organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may be amended to other exempt Organizations under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Code.)





The following Procedure Books will be developed and updated annually and used as guidelines for the event.  As a minimum, these books should include basic descriptions of the rules and steps to follow, timelines, suggested contact information and resources, etc.  These will be available to any member requesting them.




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The Barn
Valley Collison
Protection Self Storage
Morehouse Construction
Excel Heating & Air Conditioning
Driven Auto
Trident Title
Absolute Weight Loss
Blue Valley Insurance
Schriever Law Firm
In & Out Emissions
Synergy Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Rogers Center for Dentistry
Larson & Company
Stonehenge Fence & Deck
Springville Big O Tires
Discovery Ranch
Central Bank - Mapleton Branch
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We Thank Our Members:
  • the Mitchell family...
  • The Thomas Family...
  • the Dookhran family...
  • The Uluave family...
  • the Greene family...
  • the Schwenke family...
  • the Fetalaiga family...
  • the Banuelos family...
  • the Fano family...
  • the Adams family...
  • the Schellhous family...
  • Anonymous...
  • Sean and Kristen Miner...
  • Jepsen/Priest Family...
  • Massey Taxidermy...
  • the Ortiz family...
  • Thayn family...
  • the Breinholt family...
  • the Bush family...
  • the Hakes family...
  • the J Renz family...
  • the Antonino family...
  • Morehouse Construction...
  • the Hardy family...
  • the Lake family...
  • Sirrine Family...
  • the Wright family...
  • the Davis family...
  • the Ferguson family...
  • the Rockwood family...
  • the Poston family...
  • the Kemper family...
  • The Atwood/Slingerland Family...
  • the Delgado family...
  • the Davis family...
  • The Kropf family...
  • the Anderson family...
  • the Scarbrough family...
  • the Smith family...
  • the Glassford family...
  • the Kearns family...
  • the McClay family...
  • the Daley family...
  • the Hofer family...
  • the Geddes family...
  • the Hakes family...
  • Sullivan Family...
  • the Sites family...
  • the Hardy family...
  • the Jensen family...
  • The Hill family...
  • the Antonino family...
  • the Honsvick family...
  • the Serra family...
  • Anonymous...
  • the Tapia family...
  • the Sumsion family...
  • The Mauga Family...
  • the Ross family...
  • the Escobedois family...
  • the Valgardson family...
  • the Bateman family...
  • The McGary family...
  • the Beavers family...
  • the Kenned family...
  • the Anderson family...
  • the Bishop family...
  • The Mellor family...
  • the Cruz family...
  • the Stevens family...
  • the Leifson family...
  • the Marie family...
  • the Whiting family...
  • the Ross family...
  • the Carter family...
  • the Adams family...
  • the Stonebraker family...
  • the Ward family...
  • the Ioane family...
  • the Hoyt family...
  • the Davis family...
  • the Zahrt family...
  • the Greene family...
  • the Kojima family...
  • The Diediker Family...
  • the Bryan family...
  • the Fegan family...
  • Kentucky Sullies...
  • the Gibson family...
  • The Perez family...
  • The Robison family...
  • the Lee family...
  • The Whiting Family...
  • the Hunter family...
  • the Ioane family...
  • the Bishop family...
  • The Archibald Family...
  • the Siegred Emery family...
  • the Gordon family...
  • the Jensen family...
  • the Thomas family...
  • the Rich family...
  • the Wolfgramm family...
  • the Honsvick family...
  • the Kolomalu family...
  • The Bingham Family...
  • the Blackham family...
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